Jerusalem Mayor Delivers Unanimous Petition to Bush
for the Release of Jonathan Pollard

Jerusalem Municipality Media Release - January 9, 2008

A petition requesting the release of Jonathan Pollard, signed by all members of the Jerusalem Municipal Council, was presented Wednesday afternoon by the Mayor, Mr. Uri Lupolianski to President George W. Bush when they met at the King David Hotel. The letter was initiated by Councillor Mina Fenton, of Foreign Relations, The Jewish People & Heritage Portfolio, a direct follow-up to the ceremony of changing the name of "Paris" Square in the heart of the Capital, to the "Freedom for Jonathan Pollard" Square, which took place on Monday, January 7th, 2008, also organized by Mrs. Fenton, Mrs. Esther Pollard and the "Committee to bring Jonathan Pollard Home".

Hamodia also reports that Lupolianski, at the same time, delivered a letter to President George W. Bush from HaRav Eliayashiv repeating his call for the release of Jonathan Pollard.

See copies of the City Council Members' signed petition that was presented to President Bush: (JPEG appears below)