Video & Update: IBA English News Interview with Esther Pollard
on the Eve of President Bush's Historic Visit to Israel

Justice4JPnews - January 8, 2008

Esther Pollard was interviewed on the Israel Broadcast Authority (IBA) TV News in English, January 8, 2008, on the eve of President Bush's arrival in Jerusalem. Her interview can be seen


. Esther appears midway through the broadcast at approximately minute 14.

The IBA interview with Esther also features some clips of the ceremony which took place yesterday to rename a central city square (midway between the Prime Minister's residence and the American Consulate) in honor of Jonathan Pollard. These clips show the over-flow crowd which braved the cold weather and the awkward time (2:30 PM) to be on hand for this historic event.

Focus of the IBA Interview:

Esther explains how for the first time in history, all of the right circumstances are in place for a serious initiative to secure Jonathan Pollard's immediate release. A serious request, she says, simply cannot fail. Esther points out such factors as the support President Bush has from all of the senior American officials, including former head of the CIA James Woolsey, who know the case and the secret file and are now record calling for Jonathan's release.

She cites a recent poll in Israel by the Mootagim Polling Company which established that 84% of all Israelis support the release of Jonathan Pollard and expect Olmert to use this visit by Bush to secure his release. A heavy majority of those polled also responded that Jonathan's continued incarceration damages the US image, and negatively influences Israel's relationship with the US.

Esther also points out that two of Olmert's key coalition party leaders (Yishai and Lieberman) regard the release of Pollard as a gesture that would allow them to reconsider their support of Bush policy for the Middle East. [We do not advocate for this position, but simply point it out as a fact.] She also points out that this is Israel's 60th anniversary, and George Bush's first visit to Israel -- what better time to make such a gesture! With time running out at the end of the interview, Esther also points out that Jonathan's health is failing, and the time is NOW!

In other recent interviews, when Esther Pollard has been asked why she thinks that Olmert can succeed in securing Jonathan's release at this time, when all former attempts have failed. She responds quite succinctly saying, "The Americans are not fools. They can tell the difference between a serious press for Jonathan's release and a publicity stunt for Israeli domestic consumption."

"If and when a serious request is made," says Pollard, "there are too many factors favoring a positive response; it will not be refused."

Asked why it has not happened thus far, she responds, "Israel has yet to ask for Jonathan!"

The Hebrew prime time news program "Politica" will host Esther Pollard in their special program line-up tonight, (January 8, 2008) the eve of the Presidential visit, on Channel One Television. The program airs on Reshet Bet after Mabat News and begins at 9:40 PM. The program can be watched live on the Internet as well by visiting

this link

and clicking on live TV broadcasts (Hebrew text).

Pollard has also been invited to appear on Erev Chadash, an Israeli news magazine program. Stay tuned for details!