Emergency Countermeasure to Shabbak Dirty Trick Scheme:
Pollard Activities Cancelled This Week!

For Immediate Release - January 7, 2008

The Committee to Bring Jonathan Pollard Home, Justice for Jonathan Pollard, and Esther and Jonathan Pollard call on all supporters of Jonathan Pollard

NOT to participate in any public activity whatsoever during the time that President Bush is in the country.

Reliable information has come into our hands revealing a "dirty tricks" campaign (in the tradition of Avishai Raviv) by Shabak (GSS) agents posing as "Pollard supporters" planned for the visit of President George W. Bush. The plan is to carry out provocations to stigmatize the struggle for Jonathan Pollard's in order to shut it down.

Upon learning of this dastardly plan, we turned to the relevant government officials but were met with indifference and told to "handle it yourself." Therefore, as an emergency measure, we are taking the only step possible to stop it:

effective immediately we are canceling all public activity for the release of Jonathan Pollard for this week

. That includes: all demonstrations; all rallies and gatherings, large and small; all Pollard information booths; all public meetings and speeches.

Be assured, our massive media campaign of bus ads and billboards will continue uninterrupted, so will our work on the web and via email. We will continue to monitor the situation and a full schedule of public activities will resume as soon as appropriate.

Thank you for your cooperation.

  • See Also: Hebrew Text of this Notice:
