Pollard from prison organizes warm welcome for Bush

Kol Ha'ir News Jerusalem (Maariv Supplement) January 4, 2008
[Translated to English by J4JP]

Last week The Committee to Bring Jonathan Pollard Home closed a deal with a Jerusalem public relations firm for an ad campaign which will be seen on bus ads and billboards in the city of Jerusalem during the visit of the President of the United States, George Bush. The campaign slogan will be: "BUSH, Free YOUR Captive!" The ads will show the images of Bush and beside him Ishmael Haniya and Hassan Nasrallah. Under each of their photos, the names of captives that each is holding: Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser under Nasrallah; Gilad Shalit under Haniya; and Pollard under George Bush.


Click here

for the visual shown in Kol Ha'ir.]

Officials who are involved in launching the campaign related this week that Pollard himself took part in setting the content of the campaign. "There were meetings to plan the campaign which took place with representatives of the Committee and with Pollard's wife, Esther, and Jonathan himself was involved via telephone from the United States."

Representatives of The Committee to Bring Jonathan Pollard home believe that Bush's visit to Israel is an unprecedented opportunity to press the President for Jonathan Pollard's immediate release.

"Unfortunately, even now, after Jonathan Pollard has entered his 23rd year in prison, the leaders of our country are not seriously demanding that Bush put an end to this injustice and disgrace by freeing Pollard at once. His health is poor and he is in mortal danger," is what is written on the home page of the Hebrew web site of the Committee, (www.FreePollard.org) along with an appeal for public support for the campaign.

The current struggle to free Pollard has to be strong and meaningful not only because of the abandonment of our brother is such a national disgrace, but also because this time it may be the last opportunity to secure Jonathan's release and to bring him home before it is too late" reads the web site.

  • See Also: A Warm Reception for Bush: New Pollard Ad Campaign - Media Release and Background J4JPnews