Update on Jerusalem Post Misquote of MK Uri Ariel

Justice4JPnews - January 1, 2008

As previously reported, the quote attributed to MK Ariel which appeared in the Jerusalem Post online edition yesterday [Knesset C'tee wants Pollard case probed, Dec. 31, 2008] in which MK Ariel was alleged to have credited the Government with doing all it can to secure Jonathan's release was not only untrue, but also very damaging both to MK Ariel [head of the Knesset Lobby for Jonathan Pollard] and to the cause.

As well, yesterday's article contained other errors and did not include the response of the Pollards to this development.

An updated improved version of the article ["State Control Committee asks Lindenstrauss Opinion on Pollard"] appeared in the print edition of the Jerusalem Post today but not online.

In the interests of fairness and accuracy in reporting, Aviad Kaparah [Executive member of The Committee to Bring Jonathan Pollard Home] brought the concerns of the of MK Ariel and of the Committee to the attention of the Jerusalem Post management, requesting that the more accurate version which appeared in the print edition of the Jerusalem Post today be included in the Jerusalem Post online edition.

The article now appears featured on the home page of the Jerusalem Post minus the subtitle, and with a photo of Jonathan Pollard. See the full text of the article.

  • See Also: State Control Committee asks Lindenstrauss Opinion on Pollard: The Jerusalem Post