Jerusalem City Members to Dedicate Pollard Square
January 7, 2008 at 2:30PM


This is your personal invitation.

EVENT: Kikar Pariz to be renamed "Freedom for Jonathan Pollard"

LEADERS: The Jerusalem City Council Members

FACILITATORS: The Committee to Bring Jonathan Pollard Home & J4JP

WHERE: Kikar Pariz (Paris Square), Jerusalem (opposite the King's Hotel)

WHEN: Monday, January 7, 2008 B"H / 29 Tevet 5768 B"H

TIME: 2:30 PM


Monday, January 7, 2008 at 2:30 PM,

the Jerusalem City Council, led by Representative Mina Fenton (NRP), has scheduled a renaming ceremony to take place at

Kikar Pariz

(Paris Square) in Jerusalem a public square situated midway between the American Consulate and the Prime Minister's Residence to rename it

"Freedom for Jonathan Pollard Square."

The name change to

"Freedom for Jonathan Pollard Square"

is in intended to coincide with the arrival of President George Bush in Israel (January 9, 2008) and marks the start of Jonathan Pollard's 23 rd year in prison. The name change will take effect immediately and remain in effect UNTIL Jonathan Pollard is released and returned to Israel.

Members of the Jerusalem City Council, Jonathan Pollard's wife Esther and other public figures will be in attendance. The ceremony is being arranged in coordination with the Jerusalem-based Committee to Bring Jonathan Pollard Home (HaVaad) and Justice4JP.

This event, taking place at this critical time, is far more important than any demonstration or rally. It is urgent that as many people as possible attend in order to show support for the release of Jonathan Pollard. The greater our numbers in attendance at this event the stronger a message will be sent to President Bush and to Ehud Olmert to


  • Please reprint, recirculate, and forward this message to all of your friends, family, and associates in Israel. Urge everyone to attend.
  • For further information visit (English) or (Hebrew)
  • Or email us at (English) or (Hebrew).

Please be there!!!

See Also: