MK Aryeh Eldad Fails the Pollard Litmus Test
Esther Pollard - Justice4JPnews - July 13, 2007
Member of Knesset Aryeh Eldad, who is vying for the support of the Israeli right-wing nationalist camp, is the latest in a long line of Israeli politicians to slander my husband, Jonathan Pollard, in a bid to be absolved of all responsibility for the Israeli agent languishing in an American prison for the last 22 years.
In recent conversations with private individuals and audiences, Eldad has provided various imaginative excuses for being unwilling to help Jonathan, excuses that are inherently harmful to Jonathan.
For example, one reliable source reported to us not long ago that Eldad had 'explained' to him that nothing can be done to help Jonathan Pollard because it would blow the cover of another spy which Israel is currently running in Washington! Our source, a senior IDF officer (ret.) was infuriated by this fabrication. He blasted Eldad, declaring that he was restraining himself with difficulty, because Eldad richly deserved to be slapped across the face for telling such bald-faced lies to undermine support for an Israeli agent in captivity!
Eldad's latest fabrication is even more damaging. This time Eldad falsely accuses Jonathan of being unwilling to be released and blames the victim for his plight! This vile accusation surfaced during a recent conference call with a group of pro-Israel activists in Toronto, Canada. The person who relayed this incident to us described the conversation with Eldad:
"The conference call which our group arranged with Eldad dealt with various issues of concern to Israel. Knowing that the litmus test of the honesty of any politician is his position on the Pollard case, I determined to ask him about Jonathan."When I found an opening, I asked him what is his position on the Jonathan Pollard case?
"Eldad replied that nothing can be done to help Pollard.
"I asked him why and he replied that Jonathan Pollard is not willing to pay the price that the US is asking of him.
"When I asked what that price might be, Eldad replied he was not at liberty to disclose that information.
"I said, You are insinuating that there are now ongoing negotiations for Jonathan's release. Do you mean to tell me that an offer to release Jonathan has recently been made, but Jonathan is refusing to be released?! Eldad replied that that was the case.
"When I asked him what was his source for this information, without any hesitation he replied that his source was Jonathan himself! He said he met with Jonathan and heard this from him personally.
"I did not pursue the conversation any further, because it was so obvious that Eldad was lying."
Our source, a well-respected, pro-Israel activist, with many years of community service, and much experience in the realm of politics, read the situation correctly. Everything Eldad said was a lie - except for one thing. Eldad did in fact meet with Jonathan - but that was four years ago! (I attended the meeting.) Eldad has not spoken with Jonathan since that meeting in September of 2003! Not then and not now, did Jonathan ever tell Eldad that the US offered him his freedom and that he refused it! This is not only an outright lie; it is fundamentally ridiculous!
Eldad is nothing if not consistent. After he met Jonathan in the Fall of 2003, Eldad published an op-ed which described the meeting, but from which was conspicuously absent any mention of a commitment to fight for Jonathan's release. Eldad's consistent refusal to help is disgraceful enough; his obstructionism is worse.
Casting Jonathan as the intransigent obstacle to his own release is a cheap shot, unworthy of a politician who affects the appearance of the highest moral standards in his appeals for public trust and support. That MK Aryeh Eldad can so callously slander and cast off an Israeli agent in captivity for 22 years and in peril for his life, should give pause to all would-be supporters. That Eldad can so ably rewrite history and dissemble with such grace and apparent impunity, should be a cause for concern.
See Also:
- OpEd: MK Aryeh Eldad - the new hope of Israel's nationalist camp?
- Statement of Jonathan Pollard: The measure of a friend
- Clarification from Jonathan Pollard Re: Eldad Response to IMRA
- A Meeting with Citizen Pollard - [Yediot Achronot September 24, 2003]
By Aryeh Eldad - [Translated to English by J4JP and released October 15, 2003] Update on Recent Events in Israel Part II, August 7, 2003:
[J4JP note: In this update, there is a description of Avner Shimoni, head of the Gaza Coast Regional Council, recounting a conversation with Silvan Shalom, then-Foreign Minister of Israel, in which Shalom 'explains' why nothing need be done to help Pollard.]- Israel is not a nation of "beggars"!
Jonathan Pollard's Yom Kippur Letter to PM Sharon - October 2, 2003 - OpEd: The Saddest Jew - Charley J. Levine - In Jerusalem Magazine: August 8, 2003
- Pollard Letter to Cabinet Secretary Israel Maimon: Sharon govt. is lying about funding me and my attorneys - December 3, 2003