Knesset Hypocrites: Yitzhaki leads the list; feels Pollard is a bother

Hillel Fendel - Arutz7 News - May 18, 2006

Rafi Eitan is not the only coalition MK to refuse to sign a petition on behalf of Jonathan Pollard. Coalition whip Avigdor Yitzchaki, for instance, yelled, "Who needs Pollard bothering us now?"

Yitzchaki is only a freshman MK, but his experience as Director of former Prime Minister Sharon's Bureau apparently helped him receive the position of coalition whip on behalf of the Kadima party.

When asked for his signature on behalf of Jonathan Pollard, who is serving his 21st year of a life sentence in the U.S. for transferring classified information to Israel, Yitzchaki cried out, "Why are you raising the Pollard issue now? [Olmert] needs other favors from Bush now. Who needs Pollard bothering us now?"

Kadima Party spokesman Shmulik Dahan, asked by Arutz-7 to comment on Yitzchaki's stance, said he would not do so until he saw the words in print.

Other MKs who did not sign were Minister Eitan Cabel (Labor) MK Matan Vilnai, and Prof. Avishai Braverman.

MK Yitzchak Glazer of the Pensioners Party said, "Every signature adds another year of prison for Pollard - that's what Rafi Eitan said." Eitan, Pollard's former handler, stands accused by Pollard of abandoning him in favor of his [Eitan's] political cronies.