Azzam to PM: Ask US to free Pollard

YNET English News - May 16, 2006

In letter to PM Olmert, Israeli-Druze who spent years in Egypt prison appeals for Pollard's release Sharon Roffe-Ofir

Azzam Azzam, an Israeli-Druze who spent years behind bars in Egypt, sent Prime Minister Ehud Olmert a letter Tuesday in which he asks him to appeal for the release of Jonathan Pollard during his upcoming visit to the United States.

"I urge you to bring before President George W. Bush the Israeli people's request to grant amnesty to Pollard as a gesture for former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon," Azzam wrote.

Azzam, who was freed from prison about a year and-a-half ago, is an active member on the committee for Pollard's release. Azzam took part in demonstrations and have also given speeches on the issue, in which he expressed his empathy for Pollard as a man who served time in prison himself.

Azzam has repeatedly stated that the State of Israel should pressure the US to set Pollard free after more than 20 years in jail.

"I turn to you as someone who knows full well what it means to serve so many years in prison unjustifiably. By bringing to my release, Arik Sharon proved to the entire public in Israel and to the world that the State does not abandon its citizens in a time of need," Azzam wrote in the letter to Olmert.

"I believe that had Arik been able to express his emotions and feelings, this is the request he would ask you to relay to Bush on his behalf. I'm sure that Bush's great esteem for you and Arik would convince him to comply with this request," he stated.

  • See also: YNET Hebrew News: Azzam to PM: Ask Bush to Free Pollard