Pollard Letter Endorsing Feiglin in Likud Primaries

Justice4JP Release - November 26, 2005

To: Moshe Feiglin
Date: November 24, 2005 B"H

No. of Pages (incl. this one): 1

Jonathan Pollard 09185-016
FCI Butner, POB 1000
Butner North Carolina
USA 27509-1000

Dear Moshe,

I would like to express my full support for you in the upcoming Likud primaries. I hope that you will help me to convey the following message to Likud voters:

My wife Esther and I have known Moshe Feiglin for some time, and have found him to be honest, responsible and G-d fearing. We feel that Moshe is the right leader for the Likud and for this time in the Nation's history.

This is a critical moment in the history of the Jewish people. We are bereft of leaders who understand that true Jewish leadership must be subservient to the will of the Almighty. It is only by G-d's grace that we live in The Land. Until we have leaders who recognize this simple fact and act accordingly, we as a Nation will continue to be at the mercy of both our friends and our foes.

We believe that Moshe Feiglin may be the only leader in Israel today who understands that power is a test, not a gift, and that it must be wielded judiciously. We believe that because of his faith in the G-d of Israel, Moshe is the only leader in the Likud today capable of withstanding the wiles of our enemies and the pressures from our friends to act contrary to our own national interests.

A vote for Moshe is a vote to restore Israel's national honor and integrity. That is why Esther and I want to express our full support for Moshe, and to encourage all those who can vote in the Likud primaries to vote for Moshe Feiglin.

Jonathan Pollard

Justice4JP Note:

The above letter was sent by Manhigut Yehudit to 130, 000 Likud Voters. Shortly thereafter Feiglin's showing in the primaries rose from the 4% predicted by the polls to 12% of the vote!