Massive Pollard Rally Tomorrow (Nov. 23, 2005) and New Video

Justice4JP Release - November 22, 2005 - Jerusalem

Justice4JP reminds friends and activists in Israel to come one, come all to a massive rally for Jonathan Pollard tomorrow afternoon, in Jerusalem, sponsored by our Israeli affiliate THE COMMITTEE TO BRING JONATHAN POLLARD HOME. We will be meeting in Gan Ha'atzmaut on Agron Street, opposite the US Consulate, at 5 o'clock PM.

From Gan Ha'atzmaut we will spread out in a human chain, handcuffed one to the other, all the way from the US Consulate to the Prime Minister's residence.

Following the human chain event there will be appearances by public personalities, prominent rabbis, and key activists. Jonathan Pollard's own speech commemorating the completion of 20 years in prison and the start of his 21st year of incarceration, will be presented [in Hebrew] by his wife, Esther. His speech will also be posted to the J4JP web site in Hebrew and in English with permission to reprint.

Last night Esther appeared on the Yair Lapid Show, prime time Israeli show. Supported by comments from Jonathan, she presented the Pollard case to the Israeli public. You can see the interview by clicking on the link provided below. As well, complete details on tomorrow's rally are repeated below.

Pollard Interview on The Yair Lapid Show (Prime Time)
Source: Israel's Channel 2

Details for the Pollard Rally:

  • Event: A Massive Demo for Jonathan Pollard

  • When: Wednesday, November 23, 2005

  • Where: Gan Ha'atzmaut, opp. American Consulate, Agron Street, Jerusalem

  • Time: 17:00 - (5:00 PM)

  • Occasion: 20th anniversary of Pollard's arrest and incarceration

  • Activities: Human Chain with Handcuffs followed by Support Rally
Be there! Bring a friend!
Don't miss this historic event!
This promises to be the largest Pollard demo of all time!
With your participation and G-d' s help this one may even be the last one! Amain!

For further information: or call 054-643-7218.

Justice4JP and the Pollards endorse the activities of the Committee to Bring Jonathan Pollard Home and appreciate any and all public support that is extended to the organization.