FM Shalom Ignores Gut-wrenching Appeal For Compassionate Leave

Justice4JP Release - July 27, 2005

On July 12th 2005, Jonathan Pollard sent the following urgent appeal to FM Shalom, asking for Israel's help in securing compassionate leave so that he could go to Montreal to say good-bye to his beloved mother-in-law and/or attend the funeral which followed a week later.

Pollard's letter was hand-delivered to FM Shalom within 12 hours of the time it was issued, and confirmation of receipt was received. A copy was provided to PM Sharon.

Jonathan Pollard's mother-in-law passed away on July 18th. The period of shiva ended this week. Jonathan Pollard never received the courtesy of a response to his urgent appeal. Nor has Jonathan or Esther received any message of consolation from any Israeli government official. Ayfoh HaBoosha?

The text of Pollard's letter to FM Shalom follows below:

To: Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom

From: Jonathan Pollard FCI Butner, N.C.

Date: July 12, 2005



Dear Silvan,

I am writing to ask for your urgent assistance concerning a matter of life and death. My mother-in-law, Rose Zeitz, has been a source of endless love and support to me for nearly 2 decades. She is the only mother I have ever since my own mother z"l died. Rose is now critically ill. My wife has been forced to leave my side for the first time in years and is now on her way to Montreal to be with her mother.

I am asking you to intervene on my behalf with the US without delay to arrange a furlough for me - the first in 20 years - so that I can travel to Montreal to lend support to my wife and to see my dying mother-in-law and say good-bye before it is too late.

When my mother z"l was dying I did not have the support of the Israeli Government or their guarantee to the US, consequently I was not permitted to have a furlough to see my mother before she died. I never got to say good-bye.

Some ugly stories in the media claimed that I did not want to see my mother before she died, and I can assure you that that is an absolute and unmitigated lie. I live with the pain and heartache of trying desperately to get to see her at the end, but being denied permission because I simply had no backing from Israel. I implore you, Silvan, please do not let the nightmare repeat itself with my mother-in-law. Please do not abandon me again in my hour of need.

I have been told that if the request for a furlough on compassionate grounds comes from the Highest levels of the Israeli Government and is made at the highest levels in the US, it will be granted. I am married to a Canadian citizen and as such can enter Canada with my Israeli passport and American birth certificate.

Deputy Consul General Aviv Ezra or Rabbi Pesach Lerner are welcome to accompany me, if that is a stipulation.. I am willing to comply with whatever security arrangements are necessary. My Rabbi, HaRav Mordecai Eliyahu has offered to be the guarantor for me. He will guarantee my behavior and compliance with all stipulations.

I am therefore asking you to immediately do whatever it takes to make the arrangements for the US to grant me a furlough so that I can go to Montreal to say good-bye to my mother-in-law.

I thank you in advance for your immediate response to my urgent request.

Jonathan Pollard

See Also: