Pollard Donates to "Believe and Plant Fund" to Help Gush Katif Farmers

Arutz 7/IsraelNN.com - June 16, 2005 / 9 Sivan 5765

Donations from all over Israel and the world continue to flow to the Believe and Plant Fund, the credit fund that aims at aiding farmers and businesses in Gush Katif, now that banks refuse to lend them the money needed to begin the new agricultural season on time.

The people working on the fund were especially moved by the donation that was sent by Jonathan Pollard, who has already served 20 years of a life sentence in the United States for passing information to Israel, a US ally.

A spokesman from the fund announced that on Tuesday, the fund will begin to distribute the first loans to the farmers. Up to now, 3.5 million shekels have been donated. The ultimate goal is to raise 20 million shekels for loans.