Guysen News: Chief Rabbi Metzger's Passover Appeal

Guysen Francophone News Agency - April 22, 2005

Photo of the Day: Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger


in a radio broadcast today, Rabbi Yona Metzger, Chief Rabbi of Israel called upon all of Israel to set an empty place at the table for all of Israel's MIAs, and captives whose location we do not know, as well as for one whose location we do know, Jonathan Pollard.

L'agence de presse francophone d'Isral

MAILHEBDO - 22 avril 2005 - 13 Nisan 5765

La photo du jour

Le Grand Rabbin ashkénaze d'Israël Yona Metzger a appelé tout le peuple d'Israël à laisser une chaise vide et un couvert à la table du séder de Pessah "pour tous les disparus et prisonniers ainsi que pour Yonathan Pollard".

See Also: Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger's Prayer for Pollard