Radio Kol Chai: Chief Rabbis' Appeal for Pollard

Justice4JP Media Release - February 17, 2005

Radio Kol Chai's hourly broadcast of an urgent appeal for Jonathan Pollard by Chief Rabbis of Israel begins February 17, 2005. The Rabbis' message will be broadcast hourly - once every hour of every broadcast day - for the foreseeable future. J4JP's translation of the radio transcript follows below.

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to hear the Rabbis' message in Hebrew.



Jonathan Pollard is languishing in an American prison; this is his 20th year of incarceration, for his service on behalf of the security of Israel. Let us listen to the appeal of the Rabbis on his behalf, (starting with) the Rishon LetZion, HaRav Mordecai Eliyahu.

HaRav Mordecai Eliyahu:

I am asking every single person who is able to, on Shabbat and every day thereafter, to pray that HaShem should help, that He should put it in the hearts of all of those who are in a position to help [Jonathan Pollard], that they should help him. Announcer: The Rishon LetZion HaRav Shlomo Amar.

HaRav Shlomo Amar: We are obliged, every one of us, to cry out and to raise a great outcry and to pray to bring about the release of Jonathan Pollard.


HaRav Ovadia Yosef

HaRav Ovadia Yosef:

He acted in order to save lives in Israel. Everything he did, he did for the sake of Heaven. He does not deserve to be treated this way. He must be freed! And it is a great mitzvah to free him! This is the mitzvah of Pidyan Shvuyim. Whoever is able to help in this matter is obliged to help!


Jonathan Pollard, on Radio Kol Chai, we remember, we do not forget.

Tune in to Radio Kol Chai at 93 FM (Central) and 92.8 FM (Jerusalem).