After Sharm: 66% Say Intifada Not Over

Jerusalem Post - Feb. 10, 2005

In the wake of the Sharm e-Sheikh summit, research institute Ma'agar Mokhot, under the administration of Yitzchak Katz, conducted a survey on Wednesday meant to gauge Israeli public opinion.

The study was conducted telephonically, at various times over the course of the day, by means of the comprehensive interviewing of 522 individuals who were selected randomly and who, together, form a representative sample of Israel's adult population. The maximal error was 4.5 percent, according to the estimations of various evaluators.

The survey produced the following data:

The majority of the population (66 percent) believe that the intifada is not over.

The majority (65 percent) support the disengagement plan.

The majority (71 percent) are opposed to the release of prisoners who have "blood on their hands."

The majority (63 percent) are in favor of increasing the compensation of evacuees by NIS 1 billion.

Nearly half of the population (49 percent) believe that the Labor Party has not held sway in the government to date.

The majority (54 percent) want a referendum.

Nearly half of the population (41 percent) believe that Jonathan Pollard has been abandoned by Israel.

  • See Also: Poll: 66%:10% Intifada not over, 54%:40% Have referendum, 41%:32% Pollard abandoned: IMRA