No Excuse for Wantonly Slandering Jonathan Pollard
To: Editor and Publisher of
From: Justin for Justice4JP
Re: "Undivided Loyalty" by Jonathan Friendly [Israelinsider, January 3, 2005]
There is no excuse for Jonathan Friendly wantonly slandering Jonathan Pollard, an Israeli agent, now in his 20th year of a life sentence for his activities on behalf of Israel. Friendly's pot shot at Pollard in his article "Undivided Loyalty" [Israelinsider 01/03/05] falsely accusing him of compromising the radio frequencies of the US Navy's nuclear submarine fleet betrays the author's ignorance of the facts and reveals calculated malevolence towards Pollard.
The information that Jonathan Pollard gave over to Israel concerned Syrian, Iraqi, Libyan and Iranian nuclear, chemical, and biological warfare capabilities - being developed for use against Israel. It also included information on ballistic missile development by these countries and information on planned terrorist attacks against Israeli civilian targets. Pollard did not give over American frequencies, codes, agents, or war plans to Israel.
Friendly's false acccusation against Jonathan Pollard raises questions about the author's motives. It was not only mean-spirited, but also competely irrelevant to his thesis about the Franklin/AIPAC Spy Scandal.
We urge readers to learn the facts about the Pollard case by visiting the Information Page on the J4JP web site and the Facts Page. Accurate information about the Franklin/AIPAC case is also available on a sub page of the same name on the J4JP web site
Yours truly,
Justin for J4JP