Announcing Jonathan Pollard's Exclusive Interview with Yediot Achronot

Justice4JP Media Release - April 11, 2004

Jonathan Pollard recently gave an exclusive interview to Shimon Shiffer of Yediot Achronot, Israel's most widely-read newspaper. Shiffer, one of country's most respected journalists, is Yediot's senior political correspondent.

The interview entitled, "TAKE ME OUT OF THE BOR!""* originally published in Hebrew on April 5, 2004, was featured on a large section of the front page of Yediot Achronot's regular newspaper, and also ran on the front page of the features supplement. It was the lead story of the features section, and ran from page 1 to page 8, accompanied by a newly-commissioned artist's portrait of Jonathan, as well as photographs and additional commentary. Most notable is Shiffer's own editorial statement entitled: "LIES, BETRAYAL, ABANDONMENT, AND PHOTO OPS: The Story of the Israeli National and Political Establishment Relating to Jonathan Pollard, Prisoner Number 09185-016."

This was the first completely official, in depth, face to face, interview of Jonathan Pollard by an Israeli newspaper, or indeed by any journalist since Jonathan was sentenced.

*J4JP Note:

The Hebrew word "Bor" means "pit". "Bor" is often used in the original Hebrew by English speakers familiar with the Bible story of Joseph who was thrown into a pit by his brothers. When speaking with Shiffer in English, Jonathan used the word "Bor".

  • See: Jonathan Pollard: "TAKE ME OUT OF THE BOR!" - Feature Interview