An Urgent Appeal to Canada's Minster of Justice

Goldi Steiner
Toronto, Ontario

March 30, 2004

Dear Irwin:

Once again I congratulate you on your well-deserved appointment as Minister of Justice for Canada.

With due respect to your position I am encouraged to reach out to you again, as I've done repeatedly in the past, about Jonathan Pollard. Until the day of his liberation, it will continue to be about Jonathan.

Irwin, you know and I know, and the whole world knows, that Jonathan has been cruelly and unfairly buried under a heap of self-serving lies as high as the Tower of Babel which, like the Tower of Babel, will ultimately crumble under its own dead, decaying weight. But the day will come when the liars will be discredited and their calumnies will be exposed and fall by the wayside.

It is a well-worn cliché, but nevertheless true, that evil prevails when good men do nothing. I believe that it takes only one truly honest man, and the will and resolve in his heart to challenge this cruel injustice in order to secure Jonathan's redemption.

When you and I met at the unveiling of the Wallenberg Memorial, back in 1996, I said - and I believe - that according to a centuries-old Jewish tradition, God does not destroy the cruel world we live in for the sake of 36 righteous souls who live among us - unknown even to themselves. These Lamed Vavniks are the spiritual role models for those of us who strive for a better, and more just world.

Irwin, perhaps in being elevated to the position of Minister of Justice of Canada you are now being given the great Z'chut to aspire to fulfill such a role. Surely you cannot look upon the injustice to Jonathan Pollard and remain silent. All the more so, since his wife is a Canadian citizen and deeply deserving of your assistance and intervention on behalf of her husband.

Let wisdom and honor be your shepherd, and God will pave your way. I am sure that the Pollards and Jonathan's American attorneys, Eliot Lauer and Jacques Semmelman would be pleased to hear from you without delay.



cc. E & J Pollard