Letter: Minister of Agriculture Urges Participation in The Jonathan Pollard Forest

Translated by J4JP and released January 19, 2004

Minister of Agriculture and Country Development

January 15, 2004

Elementary School Principals
High School Principals
The National Union of Students
The National Student Council
The Council of Youth Groups

Shalom rav:

Re: Planting a forest in honor of Jonathan Pollard - Tu B'Shvat 5764

On Sunday February 8, 2004 at 11:00 a.m. a special festive ceremony will be held for the planting of

Yaar Yehonatan Pollard

(The Jonathan Pollard Forest), in honor of Jonathan Pollard.

The planting ceremony will be held at the Keren Kayemet site adjoining Tzomet Gilat in the Negev.

This ceremony presents an exceptionally great educational opportunity, where thousands of children and youth representing every ethnic community in the country will participate.

This event will express our principled support for Jonathan Pollard and will strengthen the Zionist spirit amongst our children and youth.

Jonathan Pollard, who acted to ensure the national security of Israel, has been languishing in prison for 18 years.

We request the participation of your organization at this special and important planting ceremony.

Please notify us promptly of your intention to take part in this event.

with blessing,


Israel Katz

, Minister of Agriculture and Country Development


MK Orit Noked,

Co-Chair of the Knesset Lobby for Jonathan Pollard


MK Gilad Erdan

, Co-Chair of the Knesset Lobby for Jonathan Pollard For information or to co-ordinate: Eli Joseph 054-402- 308

Derech HaMaccabim Rishon LeZion, POB 30 Beit Dagan - Tel 03-9485800 - Fax 03-9485835