Pollard Undaunted After Failed Appeal

James Gordon Meek - New York Daily News - November 14, 2003


- Jonathan Pollard's lawyers vowed the convicted spy will continue to fight for his freedom after a federal judge yesterday knocked down the latest attempt to reopen his case.

U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Hogan denied Pollard's requests to reconsider his life sentence and get his lawyers access to secret sentencing files. Hogan also scoffed at the idea that President Bush might grant clemency to the former Navy analyst sentenced in 1987 for passing classified documents to Israel.

"He has presented no credible evidence that the current President is any more willing to grant him clemency than the previous three Presidents," Hogan wrote.

One of Pollard's new lawyers said the spy will appeal the access ruling and request permission to appeal his sentence.

"We'll pursue it to the Supreme Court if necessary," attorney Jacques Semmelman said.

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