The Pollards and Poverty - An IDF Radio Expose

J4JP Release - August 15, 2003

Kave Shafran, an investigative journalist at IDF Radio (Galei Tzahal),recently discovered the degree to which the State of Israel is not living up to its legal and moral obligations to Jonathan and Esther Pollard. As a result, Shafran found, the Pollard couple is financially destitute and experiencing extreme hardship.

Shafran visited Esther Pollard in Jerusalem to see with his own eyes the room in which she lives. He was dumbfounded and asked the Pollards to allow him to do an exposé.

Esther and Jonathan Pollard agreed to interviews by IDF Radio and KolYisrael Radio (Reshet Bet) only because the poverty issue sheds light on the depth of abandonment that Jonathan Pollard is experiencing at the hands of the Government.

These interviews about the Pollards' financial distress and the way it relates to the bigger picture took place in Hebrew this week and are being translated to English. Another interview of Esther Pollard by Israeli media star Nissim Mashal on new developments in the Pollard case is also currently being translated. Watch for all of the interviews on the J4JP web site and in email updates.

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