Minister Benny Elon Challenges PM Sharon for Pollard's Release

Sagiv Rothenberg, Spokesman for Minister Elon - August 4, 2003

Source: IMRA News - August 5, 2003

"During yesterday's Cabinet meeting with Prime Minister Sharon, I passionately and vigorously raised the issue of Jonathan Pollard, who must be freed. While the United States pressures us to release Palestinian prisoners, it is imperative that Prime Minister Sharon makes our feelings about the importance of Jonathan Pollard very clear - He must go free."

"While we as Israelis have continually raised our voices on behalf of Jonathan Pollard, it is high time that we take our protests from quiet to noisy and immediately raise our voices loudly on behalf of our soldier. He committed a crime, which we as the government are responsible for and we must take responsibility."

"The United States, of course are our closest allies, and the true test of friendship is one of compassion and forgiveness, and the important test of friendship is compassion and forgiveness - We call on the United States to immediately free Jonathan Pollard. We plan on making a lot of noise on this issue in the days to come, as I informed Prime Minister Sharon yesterday."

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