Rallying For Pollard

Arutz7 - July 1, 2003

Grassroots efforts on behalf of Jonathan Pollard continue, and a group of activists has begun a hunger strike in the Rose Garden opposite the Knesset. Teachers and public figures have been conducting, since yesterday, an ongoing seminar on the issues of Prisoners of Zion, combat solidarity, and Judaism. A large rally at the Rose Garden has been called for tomorrow at 5 PM.

Pollard has been in U.S. prison for almost 18 years. A recent rally was held in Jerusalem last week against the lack of action taken by American Jewish leaders on behalf of securing Pollard's freedom.

Among the speakers at the seminar session yesterday were Eli Joseph, one of the driving forces behind efforts on Pollard's behalf for the past four years; former Prisoner of Zion Yosef Mendelevitch; Col. (res.) Rabbi Moshe Hager, head of the Military Academy of Beit Yatir; Atty. Larry Dub; former MK Geulah Cohen; and Rabbi Dov Begon, head of Machon Meir, and Esther Pollard, Jonathan Pollard's wife.

J4JP Adds a Reminder:

Massive Rally for Jonathan Pollard tomorrow, July 2nd!

  • Where

    : Gan HaVradim (in The Rose Garden) right opposite the Knesset.
    Rally will be held inside the garden, on the same side of the road as the massive Menorah. Look for the big blue tent.
  • When

    : Wednesday, July 2, 2003
  • Time

    : 5:00 PM

Please come! Every friend bring a friend!
