REMINDER: Monday, June 23 Demonstration for Jonathan Pollard

J4JP Release - June 22, 2003

Please join Justice4JP; Eli Joseph & Pollard Action Now; Women in Green; The Committee to Bring Jonathan Pollard Home; Pollard Youth; and all the very best people in Israel tomorrow, June 23, at 5:00 p.m. for a historically unprecedented demonstration for Jonathan Pollard.

Here are the details again:


: Monday, June 23, 2003


: 5 P.M. - 17:00 HOURS


: Citadel of David Hotel - Metzudat David Hotel (formerly the new Hilton Hotel)

Where the executive members of the World Zionist Congress and Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency will be holding their semi annual meeting.


: Corner of King David Street and HaEmek Street - Jerusalem

This demonstration marks the first time in 18 years that Pollard activists will protest the Jewish leadership's abandonment and outright betrayal of Jonathan Pollard.

This is the first time in history of the State of Israel that a demonstration against World Jewish leaders (a.k.a. American Jewish leaders) will occur on Israeli soil. The Jewish leadership's role in the prolonged and aggravated suffering of Jonathan Pollard goes beyond mere silence and indifference. Their tacit collusion with US officials has been instrumental in keeping Jonathan in prison. The treatment of Jonathan Pollard is emblematic of the treatment of all of Israel. Join us tomorrow to let the American/World Jewish leaders know that their betrayal of one Jew is a betrayal of all Jews, and we will no longer tolerate it! Enough is enough!