Justice Denied! A Song About Jonathan Pollard

To: Justice for Jonathan Pollard - By email - May 22, 2003


I just read a piece, "The Truth About Jonathan Pollard", John Loftus' investigation of the "Pollard affair".

Please see the lyrics (below) to a song I wrote about him. Our band performs it - please see www.HonorableMentchen.com

Thanks very much,
David Kerner

Justice Denied!

Words by David Kerner 1999
Music by David and Steven Kerner

Jonathan Pollard sits in a cell
What are we doing about it?
Tefilah for sure,
But we've got to do more:
We've got to stand on the roof-tops and shout it!

"Justice, justice you shall pursue"
But there's tears 'neath the Holy Throne.
Never even had a trial
Now he's in deep exile
Shackled, silenced, alone.

Am Yisrael so close to your heart
You can be free if we all do our part.

Day in and day out, in his office he'd sit
Holding the keys to saving millions of lives.
"You've got to keep it to yourself"
"No you can't do a thing"
You know their words, they cut him like knives.

Well "friends" that's the word that can best describe
Our two great countries.
But in a case like this
With friends like these
Who really needs enemies?

Am Yisrael so close to your heart
You can be free if we all do our part.

Well the Gulf War came and soon the bombs would rain
But you know we were prepared.
As in days before
Spreading blood by the door
Awaiting the wonders that we all would share.

We knew what to expect, we had a peek in the deck
Because the deed was done.
If it was Esav's hand
It was Yakov taking his stand
You know "there's nothing new under the sun."

Bridge: "If you admit your guilt
Then we'll go easy with you"
And he believed every word they told him!
But now he's buried away
Never see the light of day
It was just a "bill of goods" they sold him!

Am Yisrael so close to your heart
You can be free if we all do our part.

Whether he was right or wrong, we could talk on and on
And in the end who really could tell
But the point right here
And the record's quite clear
He's spent much to long in that cell

So sharpen those pencils, crank up your phones
And plug in those fax machines.
We can't be only for ourselves
Our brother's crying for help
We've got to snap out of our dreams

Am Yisrael so close to your heart
You can be free if we all do our part.