Esther Pollard's Letter to Hillary Clinton

To: Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton
By Facsimile
From: Mrs. Jonathan Pollard
Date: Friday, September 1, 2000
Pages: 1, including this

Dear Mrs. Clinton,

I wish to thank you for expressing a humanitarian interest in my husband, Jonathan Pollard.

I am aware that a number of legislators, public officials and prominent persons, yourself included, recently contacted the Bureau of Prisons to express their concern about a possible transfer for Jonathan to another unit.

While I am grateful to all the people who contacted the Bureau of Prisons, I am also deeply dismayed by the publicity that has ensued. It was my expressed request that there be no publicity surrounding this issue at all and I regret that you have been placed in an awkward position by it.

However, if a silver lining is to be found, perhaps it is that I am aware for the first time of your humanitarian interest in my husband's welfare. I am hoping that now that that is a matter of public record, you will agree to meet with me as soon as possible to discuss my husband's case.

From your recent statements to the media, it is clear that you are well-acquainted with the numerous legal injustices that have been perpetrated in my husband's case. It is my hope that upon further discussion, wife to wife, your humanitarian concern for the fate of my husband may be publicly expressed in more specific terms as a concern for judicial equity, due process, and the rule of law.

I look forward to your response and hopefully to a meeting with you in the very near future.


Esther Pollard
(Mrs. Jonathan Pollard)

See Also:
  • Now Let's Talk Clemency
  • Jonathan Pollard Letter to Israeli Official
  • Senate Race page