AFSI Calls On Lieberman to Comply with the Law of the Land

Herbert Zweibon, and Helen Freedman
NEWS FROM ERETZ ISRAEL - August 11, 2000

In an article in the FORWARD, June 25, 1999, entitled Senators Furious at Clinton for Waiving Jerusalem Law, Congress Wants Embassy Out of Tel Aviv it is stated that a "bipartisan group of lawmakers including Senators Lieberman, Schumer, Levin, Mack, Allard, and Kyl is preparing a letter chiding President Clinton for failing to move America's embassy in Israel to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv."

The article continues, "One of Mr. Clinton's closest friends in the Senate, Mr. Lieberman, is helping forge legislation intended to reinforce America's commitment to Jerusalem" "It's getting very frustrating, even infuriating", Mr. Lieberman told the Forward of the presidential waiver. Asked what made him angry, Mr. Lieberman said, It's the law of the land." He continued, "The argument is that to move the embassy would be a violation of the spirit of Oslo. As I've said before, the embassy is going to be in a part of Jerusalem that no one thinks is going to the PalestiniansWe expect America to stand by the law."

Senator Lieberman was joined by Senators Brownback, Kyl, and 45 other Senators in sending a letter to President Clinton dated July, 1999. It was a letter expressing disappointment over the fact that Clinton exercised the waiver provision. The letter states, "The waiver authority provided in the Jerusalem Embassy Act does not apply to the provisions of the Act, other than the sanctions provisions. One of those other provisions contains a statement of U.S. policy that is the law of the land and is not subject to waiver: Jerusalem should remain united and should be recognized as Israel's capital, with our embassy located there. As permanent status negotiations approach, we expect America's approach to Jerusalem to be based on U.S. law, as stated in the Jerusalem Embassy Act."

We at Americans for a Safe Israel believe that this statement couldn't be clearer. We are calling upon Senator Joseph Lieberman, newly designated vice-presidential running mate with V.P. Al Gore, to use this opportunity to see that the law of the land regarding the U.S. embassy in Israel be implemented immediately. For the many who are tired of meaningless promises and pious pronouncements, moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem would go far in restoring faith in the legislative process.

Herbert Zweibon is the Chairman of Americans for a Safe Israel (AFSI).
Helen Freedman is the Executive Director of AFSI.

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