No Response From The White House

July 3, 2000 - Justice4JP Release

To: President William Jefferson Clinton
From: Mrs. Jonathan Pollard
Date: Tuesday, June 20, 2000
Re: Message from His Honor, Rabbi Mordecai Eliahu, shlita
Pages: 1, including this

Dear President Clinton,

I am writing to you at the explicit request of my husband's rabbi, the Rishon Le Zion, former chief Rabbi of Israel, His Honor, Ha'Rav Mordecai Eliahu, shlita.

I met with the honorable Rav Eliahu at his offices in Jerusalem today. He requested that I call to your attention the attached article by Dr. Aaron Lerner (Director of IMRA Middle East News Service) that was published in the Jerusalem Post today (06/20/00) under the heading: Finally, the Truth about the Pollard Affair.

Ha'Rav Eliahu also requested that I call to your attention the letters that he has written to you over the years requesting the release of Jonathan Pollard into his personal custody. He asks me to repeat to you the offer he made to the Justice Department in 1991 and has repeated to you every year since then, namely that he will gladly act as a guarantor for my husband if you will kindly release him.

I would be glad to convey your response to Ha'Rav Eliahu.
Thank you for your kind attention.

Esther Pollard
(Mrs. Jonathan Pollard)

cc. Ha'Rav Mordecai Eliahu, shlita
      Larry Dub Esq.

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