Public Appeal To Hold Sen. Lieberman Accountable

Media Release - April 7, 2000

NY Assemblyman Sam Colman has recently launched a public appeal for assistance in holding Senator Joseph Lieberman accountable to the Jewish Community.

Colman has never received a response to the March 8, 2000 letter he sent to to Senator Lieberman. In that letter, the NY Assemblyman called on the Senator to account for his anti-Pollard stance, which appears to have influenced not only the President's intransigence on the matter, but also the First Lady's unwillingness to take a position. Colman wrote that while Lieberman was not elected by the entire Jewish community, he is perceived by the Administration as speaking for it. Therefore, Colman wrote, you owe us all an explanation for your position on Pollard which negates the expressed will of the Jewish community. In the absence of such an explanation, Colman wrote, you owe it to us to change your position and to openly call for and support the release of Jonathan Pollard.

Senator Lieberman's office confirmed receipt of the March 8th letter, which widely published as well. To date there has been no response from the Senator, either publicly or privately. To encourage a response, Assemblyman Colman has sent the following letter to the media. He has also sent a follow-up letter to the Senator.

It is hoped that a flood of faxes, phone calls or letters (not emails) to Senator Lieberman's office will help him to realize that he cannot duck the issue any longer. The Jewish Community deserves an answer.

Connecticut Address

One State Street, Suite 1420
Hartford, CT 06103

Voice:(860) 549-8463
Fax: (860) 549-8478
Toll Free in Connecticut: (800) 225-5605

Washington D.C. Address:

706 Senate Hart Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Voice:(202) 224-4041

Here is the Public Appeal Circulated By Assemblyman Colman:

April 5, 2000


Dear Editor,

I appeal to the readers of your newspaper to join me in asking Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman for a response to my March 8, 2000 letter regarding his position on Jonathan Pollard.

I recently met with Senate Candidate Hillary Clinton who explained that although she is open-minded on the issue of Jonathan Pollard, she is not taking a position because it is not a one-sided issue and because Senator Lieberman, a Jew, is against his release.

I immediately wrote to the Senator and asked how he could justify his position. I asked why he was advocating for Jonathan's remaining in prison. I asked him to explain fully what crimes Jonathan committed that warrant a continued life sentence and justify his being tricked into accepting a false plea bargain. I asked why he wrote a letter to the President urging him to keep Pollard in prison.

I also urged him that, in the event he cannot explain his position, he immediately change it and ask the President to release Jonathan Pollard.

Almost a month has passed and I have not heard from the Senator, although I have confirmed that he did receive my letter, fax and e-mail. I have written him a follow-up letter and would appreciate if the readers of your newspaper would join me in this effort.

Please write to Senator Lieberman at the following address: 706 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510.

Ask him for a response to my letter and an explanation of his position on Jonathan Pollard.

Hopefully with your help, we can make Mr Lieberman realize that his position is wrong and that it is time he advocated for Jonathan Pollard's release.


Sam Colman Member of Assembly

See Also:
  • Colman Again Asks Lieberman to Respond - (New Letter to Senator Lieberman - April 5, 2000 )
  • Original Colman Letter to Lieberman - March 8, 2000

  • Return to Lieberman page