N.Y. City Council Resolution Calls for Clemency
This is the text of the Resolution adopted by the New York City Council on October 27, 1999 calling on President Clinton to grant clemency to Jonathan Pollard.Resolution No. 1031
Resolution calling upon the President of the United States to grant
clemency to Jonathan Jay Pollard, currently serving an inequitable and
incomparably harsh sentence in federal prison.
By The Speaker (Council Member Vallone) and Council Member Dear
Whereas, Jonathan Pollard was convicted of espionage on behalf of
Israel, a nation allied with the United States; and
By The Speaker (Council Member Vallone) and Council Member Dear
Whereas, Prior to conviction, Pollard cooperated with the prosecution and entered into a plea bargain in which the government promised not to seek a life sentence; and
Whereas, Pollard received a life sentence with a recommendation that he never be paroled despite and in violation of his plea agreement; and
Whereas, Pollard was sentenced after the sentencing judge received a secret memorandum from then Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger; and
Whereas, Pollard and his attorneys were never afforded the opportunity to view or, therefore, dispute the allegations contained within the memorandum; and
Whereas, United States law requires that the accused is given the opportunity to challenge his accusers; and
Whereas, Others convicted of espionage on behalf of United States allies have received and served sentences of significantly shorter prison time or no incarceration at all with no one before or after having received a life sentence; and
Whereas, Jonathan Pollard has already served fourteen years in prison, seven of those in solitary confinement; and
Whereas, The United States justice system is based on the fundamental principle of equity and fairness to all regardless of race, creed, or ethnicity; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York does hereby call upon the President of the United States to grant clemency to Jonathan Jay Pollard currently serving an inequitable and incomparably harsh sentence in federal prison.
Justice for Jonathan Pollard Clarification Regarding the Weinberger Memorandum
Jonathan Pollard and his attorney were briefly shown the Caspar Weinberger Memorandum just moments before Jonathan Pollard was sentenced - hardly sufficient time to prepare an adequate defense.Since then, neither Pollard nor his cleared attorneys have ever been allowed to view the Weinberger Memorandum again in order to challenge the false charges it contains in a court of law. For further information, see the Facts Page.
See Also: