Pollard Petitions High Court to Force Barak to Secure His Release

Yediot Achronot - September 8, 1999 - Edna Edto

Jonathan Pollard, who is serving a life sentence in the United States for spying on behalf of Israel, filed a petition in Supreme Court yesterday against Prime Minister Ehud Barak to force him to work for his immediate release and to force him to provide both medical and financial relief. Pollard states in his petition that there are elements within the Shabak (security services) and the Mossad which have been working to undermine or to delay his release.

Pollard's attorney, Larry Dub, stated that since the former Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu officially recognized Jonathan Pollard as an Israeli agent, and the State accepted full responsibility for him, the State is now obliged to take responsibility for his health and welfare, for monetary expenses including legal fees, and to work for his immediate release.

The petition states that ever since Ehud Barak came to power, the government has cut off all contact with Pollard and his representatives, and the Prime Minister has refused to update him or his representatives on any aspect of his case including what was said in talks during his recent trip to Washington.

Esther Pollard, wife of Jonathan Pollard, and his attorney Larry Dub spoke at a press conference yesterday. Esther Pollard stated : "Barak has completely ignored us. Ever since he was elected he has not been willing to meet with us. He does not refuse us, he simply ignores all requests. Jonathan Pollard was an Israeli agent, and it is time to put an end to this shameful affair."