Knesset Passes Pollard Resolution

Ha'aretz - Tuesday, December 15, 1998
Excerpted from "Meeting Barak, hearing MKs on Pollard release"
By Yossi Verter and Gideon Alon, Ha'aretz

...The Knesset plenum (Israeli Parliament) yesterday approved a resolution calling on Clinton to use his presidential pardon authority to free Pollard. A petition signed by 80 MKs from the Labor party, Likud, Meretz, the National Religious Party, Moledet, United Torah Judaism, Yisrael b'Aliya and the Third Way (a near unanimous total of the Knesset - minus the Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers who legally are not permitted to sign petitions) states that, "Pollard has expressed regret for his actions and now wishes to immigrate to Israel and rehabilitate his life among his people. We request that the United States show consideration for his unique condition and free him."