Re: PM Urges Pollard's Release - By DANNA HARMAN - The Jerusalem Post - Monday, December 14, 1998

(Letter to the editor from Esther Pollard.)

Dear Editor

We were troubled to read in the above article that "Pollard, from his jail cell in North Carolina, expressed satisfaction with Netanyahu's and Clinton's words..." Neither Jonathan nor I were contacted for comment. Had we been asked, we would have indicated that we found Mr. Netanyahu's statements appropriate and constructive. But we surely would not have endorsed Mr. Clinton's comments.

Mr. Clinton's statement, "I will review...whatever arguments are presented to me on the other side for the reduction of (Pollard's) sentence" flies in the face of reality.

The only authorities that Mr. Clinton has invited to participate in this kangaroo-court "review" of the Pollard case are those with vested interests, whose public statements on the case have been rife with libel, gross distortions of the facts, and outright untruths! Not a single unbiased authority, who could present a clear, non-partisan appraisal of the facts has been contacted for input by Mr.Clinton. Nor will Pollard's attorneys or advocates of the case be allowed any say in this review.

Once again Jonathan Pollard will not be given the opportunity to face his accusers or to rebut false allegations and spurious charges against him. He will not be given the opportunity to defend himself or to present evidence. The result of such a one-sided farce can only be a foregone conclusion...

Esther Pollard
(Mrs. Jonathan Pollard)