Pollard Tells Ne'eman that Israel Has Forsaken Him

March 24, 1998 - IINS

During his visit yesterday with Jonathan Pollard in his Butner North Carolina prison cell, Finance Minister Yaakov Ne'eman was told by Pollard that Israel has failed to act appropriately on his behalf, particularly in the recent case before the High Court of Justice, in which Pollard's attorney is requesting that Israel openly acknowledges that the convicted spy was acting as an agent of the government and not on his own.

This acknowledgement by the government of Israel would permit Israel to begin acting, through official channels in the US, to obtain Pollard's release

The two met for almost 45-minutes, during which time Pollard stated there was a great deal that could have been done in the political arena to assist in securing his release, but it was not happening at this time. Pollard requested that the minister have the government call upon the AIPAC lobby in the US, to begin moving legislators on Capital Hill. He stated such a move would undoubtedly pave the road for other Jewish organizations to also begin working on his behalf, to secure his release after 13 years behind bars.

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