Sharansky and Three Other Cabinet Ministers to Visit Pollard

January 21, 1998 - Press Release

Minister of Trade Nathan Sharansky, has signaled his intention to make a prison visit to Jonathan Pollard at the federal prison in North Carolina. This visit was originally slated to take place next week when the minister was to be in the US. The trip and the visit have been put off to next month.

In addition to Sharansky, three more cabinet ministers have signaled their intention to make prison visits to Jonathan Pollard in the very near future. Finance Minister Yaacov Ne'eman, Minister of Infrastructure Ariel Sharon, and Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Eli Yishai will visit with Pollard during their next scheduled trips to the US during the coming weeks.

These meetings lend support to the strong call for Pollard's release that was initiated by fellow cabinet Minister Yuli Edelstein and seconded by cabinet Minister Limor Livnat.

JUSTICE FOR JONATHAN POLLARD salutes the cabinet ministers of the Netanyahu government. The unprecedented show of unity that the cabinet is displaying on this issue - the immediate release of Jonathan Pollard - has a unifying effect both on the government, and upon the country as a whole.