Communications Minister Livnat Meets with Pollard

December 18, 1997 - IINS News Service

Yesterday, in a US Federal corrections facility in Butler South Carolina, Minister of Communications Limor Livnat met with convicted spy Jonathan Pollard.

A limited number of members of the press were permitted into the meeting, which took place in a prison visit room. Pollard was described as appearing self-confident and in good condition.

"I am extremely sorry for what happened. I do not think that anyone who experienced what I have over the last 12 years can feel anything except profound sorrow and remorse," stated Pollard, "but it is not an excuse for breaking the lawOne cannot, in a sense, love two women simultaneously and equally."

Mr. Pollard had a message for Foreign Minister Levy, who has always advocated the silent approach and not bringing Pollard's plight to the media. "If I can send a personal message to Foreign Minister Levy. He sees himself as a gesher (bridge). He is like the gesher at the [15th] Maccabiah Games, which was designed by an idiot, foolishly constructed and collapsed on the people who relied on it."

Pollard went on to say he feels himself an Israeli and yearned to come home. (He is an Israeli citizen).

"I would like to say to everyone- that I am one of you. I worked for you"

Prime Minister Netanyahu, after consulting with State Attorney General Rubinstein, sent a handwritten letter to Pollard. This marks the first time a prime minister sent a personally written letter to the convicted spy.

Israeli officials seem to feel the time is overdue to work for Pollard's release and his plight must remain in the headlines.