Israel Helps Spy Caught In Egypt But Ignores Pollard

February 20, 1997 - As translated from Hebrew

To: Mr. David Levy
Foreign Minister
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Re: Jonathan Pollard

I was glad to read in the newspaper that you recently met with the American Ambassador Martin Indyk, in order to enlist his help in securing the immediate release of an Israeli citizen, Azam Azam, who is sitting in prison in Egypt.

I would like to know when you have recently met with the American Ambassador on behalf of my client, Jonathan Pollard, an Israeli citizen. Much to my chagrin, I have learned that both the Prime Minister of Israel and you, the Israeli Foreign Minister are not doing your utmost to secure the release of Jonathan Pollard.

When we met some six months ago, you assured me that you would bring up Jonathan's case at every meeting and at every opportunity, but unfortunately you have not kept your word.

Even though the Prime Minister has already been in the United States twice, he has failed to make any serious effort to secure Jonathan's release.

It is difficult for us to believe that this government really wants to secure the immediate release of Jonathan Pollard, and this goes directly against the Government Guidelines which you signed in your name and on behalf of your party.

Respectfully yours,

Larry Dub, Esq.

  • Larry Dub is the attorney for Jonathan Pollard.
  • Azam Azam is an Israeli Arab accused of spying on Egypt for Israel.