Israel's Latest Plan To "Free" Pollard Is Obscene

December 19, 1996 - Media Release

Israeli Government officials have revealed a new scheme to free Jonathan Pollard, namely,

to have him transferred to an Israeli prison to serve out the balance of his LIFE SENTENCE.

A new law passed by the Knesset would allow the Government of Israel to make this "deal" with America at some future date.

The plan is OBSCENE in conception and an INSULT to Israeli National Honour.

Jonathan has already endured

12 long, harsh years

of a life sentence on behalf of Israel -

the longest sentence in the history of the United States

anyone ever received for a similar offence.

It is nave to imagine that the Americans would entertain such a "solution" to a case which has now become a ticking political time-bomb between the two countries.

It is outrageous to suggest that the people of Israel, who have been clamouring for the release of Jonathan Pollard for the past 12 years, would submit to such national self-abasement as to permit Jonathan Pollard to become a Prisoner of Zion in Zion!

Jonathan and Esther Pollard are stunned by the

gross insensitivity

of this latest scheme and by the

studied indifference of the Government

to their appeals for help.

In a recent communication to the Ambassador in Washington, Jonathan Pollard personally made two modest requests of the Israeli Government:

1. That the Government of Israel

engage AIPAC

in their initiative to secure his release, and

2. That the

Ambassador visit Jonathan

before Christmas (the traditional time for presidential clemency) so that he might personally deliver a message of remorse from him to President Clinton.

The Embassy has not extended the courtesy of a reply.

Twelve years after throwing him out of the Embassy in Washington, the Government of Israel is still slamming the door in Jonathan Pollard's face.

  • See also Letter To Ambassador Elissar from Jonathan Pollard