Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist Leaders Ask to Meet PresidentAgain

Of the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale

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Thursday, June 6, 1996

President Bill Clinton
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington DC

Dear President Clinton,

It has been some time since I received the negative response of your scheduling office to my request for a meeting to discuss the Jonathan Pollard case.

I must say that I am deeply disappointed and surprised by the response since the request was made on behalf of our national presidents of the rabbinic movements of Judaism representing Orthodox, Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionist Jews. These leaders are the most representative of grassroots American Jewry. When the Jewish community wishes to galvanize its constituents it turns to its synagogues.

Since our correspondence much has occurred. Both Shimon Peres and Benjamin Netanyahu have added their voices to those who ask for a commutation of Jonathan's sentence, and a new prime minister was elected in Israel.

We believe that a meeting is now even more important and hence I reiterate my request.

Jonathan Pollard was guilty of espionage, but the excessiveness of sentence is a great American injustice. This excessiveness of sentence has deeply disturbed American Jewry. And as reflected in the Anglo-Jewish press, for Jews in New York, Miami and California, Pollard's freedom is a central issue in the forthcoming presidential election campaign.

With so much at stake I eagerly look forward to hearing from you.


Rabbi Avi Weiss
National president