Letter of Remorse to President Clinton

May 26, 1996 B" H

Prime Minster Peres and President William Clinton
c/o Prime Minister Peres
Jerusalem, Israel

DearPresident Clinton and Prime Minister Peres,

Further to my wife's meeting with Prime Minister Peres earlier today, May 26, 1996, I would like to state formally, one more time that I am extremely sorry for my actions.

I realize that no what my motives may have been, I did not have the tight to violate the law.

I have expressed my remorse on numerous occasions, in the press, in personal letters, and to a wide range of prominent Americans including: Congressmen Benjamin Gilman and Gary Ackerman; the Reverend Dr. Pat Robertson; Eli Wiesel and Alan Dershowitz; and Rabbi Marvin Hier.

I have distributed 100's of copies of a letter of remorse I wrote to my parents, in which I stated that I should not have taken the course I that I did. I have also made it very clear that I do not consider myself to be a "hero" and would prefer that people simply see me as someone who made a terrible mistake and who has paid dearly for my mistake.

Please accept this as my unconditional statement of heartfelt remorse for my actions.

Jonathan Pollard

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