Press Release: Clinton Has Pollard's Appeal On His Desk

January 25, 1996 - Personal Appeal To Ambassador Indyk

(Jerusalem) - The President of the Orthodox Union, representing nearly one million US Jews, today issued a strong personal appeal to American Ambassador Martin Indyk to help win the release of Jonathan Pollard.

In an unscheduled statement before the diplomat addressed the Orthodox Union convention taking place this week in Israel, President Mandell I. Ganchrow noted Pollard's receipt of an Israeli passport yesterday, saying: "President Clinton has promised to review Pollard's plea for clemency once he receives the paperwork. We know for a fact that the White House has received this material and it is sitting on the President's desk."

"Hundreds of thousands of Orthodox American Jews plead with you to convey our wishes to President Clinton to act favorably and speedily, enabling him to be in Israel to enjoy the holiday with his family."

Ganchrow called on other Jewish organizations to raise a similar plea in all their meetings with US and Israeli officials. Ambassador Indyk gave the convention a 1-hour off-the-record briefing but did not relate to Ganchrow's plea in any way.

For an additional statement by Dr. Ganchrow, call him directly on his telephone: 050-537-857 in Israel.