Letter: Prime Minister's Bureau in Support of Jonathan Pollard

Prime Minister's Bureau
Head of the Prime Minister's Bureau

October 30, 1995

Mr. Morton Cherry
503 733 Radicel
U.S.A. 33319

Dear Mr. Cherry,

On behalf of the Prime Minister, Mr. Yitzhak Rabin, thank you for your letter of September 24, 1995 as well as the copy of your letter from former Mayor Edward I. Koch and President Bill Clinton, and for noting the comments from Mr. Abraham Foxman.

It is the Government's belief and that of many Israelis that the time for mercy has come and that Jonathan Pollard should be released immediately. We are aware that many Jews in the United States, such as yourself, share this view. The Prime Minister made Israel's position clear in personal requests to President Clinton, and this case has been a regular subject on the agenda of meetings between the United States and Israel.

Needless to say, we regret the crime which Jonathan Pollard committed against his country, and for which he was punished in accordance with the law. However, the great changes which have taken place at international and regional levels, as well as the existing atmosphere, justify a positive approach to the efforts to release Pollard. The Government has also asked that the humanitarian aspect, namely his long period of solitary confinement and the suffering of his aged parents, be considered.

Although Israel has requested the release of Jonathan Pollard, the decision to do so is totally in the hands of the United States authorities. *(See J4JP Comment Below) We will continue our efforts as best we can and hope that Jonathan will soon be free.

Your concern and support is deeply appreciated.

Sincerely yours,

Eitan Haber

*J4JP Comment:

This was the Israeli political establishment's often-heard explanation (excuse) for why they couldn't get Jonathan home. Left unsaid, of course, was the government's lack of commitment to do whatever was necessary to secure his repatriation. If the Israelis had acted as if the resolution of Jonathan's case really were a national priority for them, then no doubt both the American Jewish leadership as well as the White House would have reacted accordingly.