CCAR Calls For Pollard's Release
Founded in 1889
June 6, 1995
8 Sivan 5755
President Bill Clinton
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500
Dear President Clinton,
On behalf of my colleagues in the Central Conference of American Rabbis, I am writing to urge your reconsideration of parole or commutation of sentence for Jonathan Pollard. Specifically, as we understand that a parole board will consider Jonathan's case this September, we ask that he be granted commutation to time served, based on humanitarian grounds.
While not condoning in any way criminal behavior or the seriousness of the crime which Jonathan committed, we are aware - as you must undoubtedly be - that by any comparison his sentence was excessive, his treatment unprecedentedly harsh, his punishment disproportionate. He has been voicing his remorse for years.
As the largest and oldest rabbinic body, comprised of more than 1,700 Reform rabbis throughout North America and abroad, serving 1.5 million Jews, we join with the scores of other organizations in calling for your positive review, and that of the parole board which will hear this case in September.
With our blessings and best wishes,
Rabbi Elliot L. Stevens,
Executive Secretary
CC: The Hon. John R. Simpson,
U.S. Parole Commission