Rabin Meets With Clinton and Raises the Pollard Issue

Let Pollard Go! - Press Release - May 12, 1995

In his recent meeting with President Clinton in Washington, Israeli Prime Minister Rabin asked President Clinton to personally intercede and free Jonathan Pollard, who is serving a life sentence for his activities on behalf of Israel. Pollard has served ten years, most of it in solitary confinement and harsh circumstances.

The Prime Minister confirmed his third personal request to free Jonathan Pollard at a press conference Sunday evening, May 9, 1995,in Washington, following his meeting with President Clinton.

Jonathan Pollard's sentence has been deemed "grossly disproportionate" by the International Association of Lawyers and Jurists, and his case labeled "a fundamental miscarriage of justice" by Appeals Court Justice Steven Williams.

Prime Minister Rabin was recently quoted in a leading Israeli newspaper as saying "Ten years is enough!"