Schumer Calls on President to Re-Examine
Pollard Sentence on Anniversary of his Arrest
Media Release - Rep. Charles Schumer - November 21, 1994
Contact: Aliza Rieger 202/225-6616
Washington, D.C.
- Congressman Charles E. Schumer (D-Brooklyn and Queens) called on President Bill Clinton to re-examine the harsh sentence of Jonathan Pollard. Pollard was arrested nine years ago today. Hope for a just sentence remains when Pollard goes before a parole board for the first time next November."I in no way condone acts of espionage, nor do I underestimate the gravity of Pollard's crime but I do believe accusations against him should be accurate. Today, we must renew the call for a fair sentence," Schumer stated.
Pollard has been accused in recent months of continuing to reveal classified information from prison. Intelligence officials believe that Pollard remains a risk to national security. Schumer, who met with navy officials earlier this year, asked them for evidence that Pollard was revealing classified information from prison.
"It seems to me that the information Pollard is being accused of releasing from prison is the same information that was revealed at his trial. Until I see the documents, I remain unconvinced that there is anything new," Schumer said.
Pollard was convicted of one count of passing classified information to an ally and was sentenced to life in prison. This sentence is harsher than sentences meted out to individuals convicted of spying for enemy countries and is the harshest sentence in the United States history for the crime of spying for an allied country. President Clinton refused to reduce Pollard's sentence last year.
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