Board of Rabbis of S. California Calls for Release of Pollard

The Board of Rabbis of Southern California
6505 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90048
(213) 852-1234 Fax (213) 852-1494

November 21, 1994

Executive Vice President
Director of Chaplaincy

President Bill Clinton
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear President Clinton:

The Board of Rabbis of Southern California with a membership of 250 Rabbis representing thousands of congregants in the Southern California area has once again studied the Jonathan Pollard Case. We were already on record and have communicated with you in the past concerning the injustice of Jonathan Pollard's sentence.

After reviewing the case and in light of new information we are asking again that you strongly consider a commutation of his sentence.

We are sure that you are familiar with the details of this case. You must know that his plea of guilty was to avoid a trial which would make it necessary to reveal many government secrets. For this he was promised a reduced sentence[d] This promise was never fulfilled because he was falsely suspected of causing the deaths of a number of agents. We know now that this was not true and that the latest convicted spy who was working for the CIA was the cause of the deaths of these agents.

Although Jonathan Pollard passed information to a friendly nation (information the United States government promised to give to this friendly nation) he was guilty of a crime. We feel that he has more than served time for that crime, especially in view of the plea bargain. Others who have given information to unfriendly nations have served lesser sentences.

Mr. President you know the facts. They have been pointed out to you by many leaders. Please consider them carefully.

We have joined with every national rabbinic organization, Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, and Reconstructionist, who have passed resolutions asking you for the commutation of this sentence.

We urge that you take this action.

Thank you for your consideration.


Rabbi Joel E. Rembaum

Rabbi Paul Dubin
Executive Vice President
