Rabbinical Council of America Urges Rabin to Secure Release of Pollard

305 Seventh Avenue-New York, NY 10001-6008
(212) 808-7888

20 Cheshvan 5755
October 25, 1994

The Honorable Yitzchak Rabin
Prime Minister of Israel
Jerusalem, Israel

Dear Mr. Prime Minister:

On behalf of all my colleagues, I wish you mazel tov on your signing a peace treaty with Jordan.

We note that you will be meeting with President Clinton. During these high level deliberations on peace and other world events, we would appreciate your once again bringing up the plight of Jonathan Pollard, who continues to languish unjustifiably in a federal prison. While we all hope and pray for collective shalom, we can not forget the needs of the individual. Please, Mr. Rabin, make this request a priority.


Rabbi Steven M. Dworken
Executive Vice President
Rabbinical Council of America