The Simon Wiesenthal Center Calls for Release of Pollard
July 26, 1994
Bill Clinton
President of the United States
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Mr. President:
On behalf of our 385,000 constituent U.S. families, the Simon Wiesenthal Center joins with all Americans in expressing its gratitude for your administration's role in helping to bring together Israel's Prime Minister Rabin and Jordan's King Hussein at the White House. The Washington Declaration clearly signals that the next step on the long road to Middle East peace has been taken.
In this new era, it is therefore wholly appropriate that the leadership of the Jewish community once again reiterates its call to you to reevaluate the case of Jonathan Pollard. This young man violated U.S. law because he thought by doing so he would serve the cause of peace. He is not currently a threat to the security of the United States. Further, he has admitted his guilt and taken full responsibility for his misdeeds.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center therefore asks you on the even of his 40th birthday to give Jonathan Pollard a chance to have a meaningful life outside of prison. Whatever signals were meant to be conveyed to Israel and to other potential American spies, we believe they have already been delivered. Now is a time for you to exercise a measure of compassion for this young man, a measure which will be welcomed by the entire American Jewish community.
Rabbi Abraham Cooper
Associate Dean