Beverly Hills Resolution Calls for the Release of Jonathan Pollard
City of Beverly Hills
455 N. Roxford Drive
Beverly Hills CA 90210-4817
Telephone: 310-285-2400
Fax: 310-273-1096
October 5, 1993
The Honorable Bill Clinton
President of the United States of America
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington DC 20500
Dear President Clinton:
At its meeting of September 7, 1993, the Council of the City of Beverly Hills, California adopted Resolution 93-R-8814 entitled:
Resolution of the Council of the City of Beverly Hills requesting the President of the United States to commute Jonathan Jay Pollard's life sentence to time already served.
Enclosed is a copy of the adopted resolution. Your support in this matter will be greatly appreciated.
Very truly yours,
City Clerk
cc: Fred C. Cunningham, Executive Director of Public Affairs/Information
See Also: